Wiper App – Delete Sent Messages from Recipient’s Phone! Download Here

Wiper is an innovative end-to-end encrypted application that makes you chat & call in total privacy! The app notifies you if a person you’re chatting with has read or even took a screenshot of your conversation. If you really want your sent messages to disappear, just hit the “Wipe” button and watch your entire conversation getting deleted for forever!

And these are not all of Wiper’s magical features! Except from offering its own (more…)

Hack WiFi Password from your iPhone or Android Smartphone Using “WiFi Cracko” App

Each year technology is granting us with new innovations. from hardware. electronic devices to software and various applications developer for all kind of purposes.

When it comes to hacking/cracking Wi-Fi passwords, people were mostly using a known Kali Linux method with Aircrack-ng program. There was a Windows version too, not that stable and fast like one from Linux, but it can do a job well.
In short, no one used smartphone to hack wireless passwords because no any tool was developed for mobile phones for these purposes.

Today we present you a new WiFi cracking application for iOS and Android devices – WiFi Cracko. It comes as a desktop software too, but since it’s the first reliable app for mobile operating systems, this is what it makes it special of its kind and (more…)

10 Tips on How to Improve Your Smartphone Security

Smartphone security is a very hot topic nowadays as people increasingly wake up to the reality of cybercrime and other security threats. Not only that but an unprotected phone can place you in a vulnerable position if it’s ever lost or stolen. Just imagine; you could lose all of your data and possibly get hacked only to find all of your personal information on the Internet. Luckily for you, we’ve done some research to find the best ways to keep your smartphone as safe as possible. (more…)

How to Track a Phone by Number – 6 Working Methods of 2025

Do you sometimes wonder where your spouse/wife or kids are at a given time or where they go to when you’re not with them? Does it bother you when your spouse always comes back late from work or when your teenage kids are always arriving late from school? These are just some of the common worries that a majority of people face every day in their lives. The best way to put these doubts to rest and have a peace of mind is by tracking a person’s smartphone using a phone spy app such as this example, or any similar one (2nd example), which will help you accurately pinpoint their location at any given time.

Having said that, let’s start by looking at some of the key benefits of tracing a mobile phone.

  • It Helps You Track and Find Your Friends

Cellphone technology has made it possible to find your friends and enrich your social life when you’re feeling lonely. There are downloadable applications such as the Find My Friends app that can display dots on a map representing location of your friends and allowing you to (more…)

How to Hack Instagram Account – Best Working Methods of 2025

Note: Credits for gathering all the methods goes to Crazy Greek’s cybersecurity blog collection. We rewrote their original post to fit our readers needs.

Instagram was launched back in 2010 and has since then grown to become one of the most successful social media platforms. In 2012, Facebook acquired Instagram which led to an exponential increase in the platform’s user base. By 2020, Instagram prides itself with over one billion daily active users.

Simply called IG or The “Gram” by most of its users today, Instagram’s rise and complete takeover in the social media world can be attributed to many factors, especially its (more…)

How to Hack WhatsApp Account and Spy Messages – 2025 Working Methods

There are many reasons why you would want to hack a WhatsApp account and spy on messages. You could be having trust issues with your significant other or you probably think your teenage children are chatting with strangers till late at night. If you’re an employer, you may want to confirm any suspicion of your staff teaming up with your rival and sharing your company’s secrets by checking up on their WhatsApp messages.

Trust issues exist in just about every social and professional relationship. The confusion that arises from such (more…)

How to Hide Photos on iPhone and Make Them Private – Guide

If you’re reading this, then you probably know that the iPhone doesn’t come with a private photo album feature which can be frustrating to some. However, there are ways to get around this problem to ultimately hide your photos from others if you like.

You could always hide the photos within the phone’s Photos app, but any decent hacker or iPhone user can infiltrate this feature and uncover all of your private pictures. You can still use this feature to hide photos from your kids, for example, and we’ll show you how to get the most out of it. But we’ll share with you another approach that you can try as well to lock your photos in (more…)

Löschen Die Gesendete SMS-Nachrichten Aus Dem Empfängers Handy Ab

Wiper ist eine innovative Ende-zu-Ende verschlüsselte Applikation, die Ihnen zu chatten & zu telefonieren in ganzer Privatheit erlaubt! Die Applikation meldet Ihnen, wenn die Person mit der Sie schreiben die Nachricht gelesen oder sogar einen Screenshot von Ihrem Gespräch genommen hat. Wenn Sie wirklich wollen, dass Ihre gesendeten Nachrichten verschwinden, drücken Sie die “Wipe” Taste und schauen Sie zu, wie Ihr ganzes Gespräch für immer abgewischt wird!

Und diese sind nicht alle (more…)